Monday, March 31, 2014

Our Weekend

1. Our "weekend" started on Thursday because of Steven's surgery. He had to have his fingers repaired from the accident that happened a few years back. They went in and took out some nail beds and chiseled down some bone. Everything went as planned and as far as we know it was successful.

2. Avalyn was all over Steven while he recovered at home. She is one to never sit still so it was so sweet to see her cuddle him so much. She plopped right up on the couch and they "talked" and played silly games.

3. Another adorable shot of Avalyn with Steven. She wanted him even while he was sitting at the table.

4. We took a quick trip to Hibbing to run a few errands. We ate out at Pizza Ranch (awesome), and did a few things for Skullworks.

5. One of the things we did in Hibbing was pick up the company sweatshirts! They turned out way better than we expected. So happy to see my husband's business starting to grow. Can't wait to see where it  goes in the future.

6. In Avalyn's efforts to want to be with daddy all the time, she learned to climb the couch. Not sure if I should be happy or sad at that milestone. Let's just say she's already had a few tumbles and her newest desire is to climb the back of the couch and to go as high as she possibly can...

7. Steven's fingers after he removed the bandages. 20-something stitches in three fingers.

8. Gitona and I made cinnamon roll waffles in the waffle maker--topped with cream cheese icing. Amazing.

9. It was finally warm enough to venture out on a walk. We left daddy home to rest and took a stroll around the neighborhood. This was much needed for me as I have had the worst case of spring fever. There's just something about going outside and breathing the fresh air that leaves one revitalized.