Thursday, January 29, 2015

of rocks and ice

Last weekend our family went on two special outings--here are some of my favorite moments:

1. We took advantage and visited one of our favorite places for the day--the north shore.  Avy throughly enjoyed looking for pretty rocks. She also loved watching us throw rocks in the water and getting to throw in handfuls herself. Her laughter, clapping, and cheering at rocks hitting the water was a good reminder that often times it's the simplest of things that can bring the most joy.

2. The next day was just as beautiful and we decided to take Avy ice fishing. I'll admit it--when we were first setting up and getting ready I was wondering if it was worth the effort. I was terrified of Avy walking around the ice and possibly getting a leg stuck in the ice hole. She also seemed a little unsure of what to do with herself--her gloves kept getting soaked because of playing in the snow and eating ice (yes--she crunched on ice, not snow, the ENTIRE time). Well--it was totally worth it when I watched her "help" Steven catch a fish. She did her whole cheering and laughing thing while demanding that Steven throw the fish on the ice to clean later. The next few days after that she kept saying to me "Go! Daddy! Fish!" So. Fun.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Winter Day

Before I get to some fun images, let me just say that I am really hoping to stick with blogging more. I started earlier this year, however with my photography business being busier than I expected combined with becoming pregnant with our second little, blogging went to the bottom of the priority list. Yet as of late I'm realizing that I miss having a little creative space to record and share memories. I am drifting slowly away from Facebook and hope to use this space to post pictures and updates of our family. My purpose isn't to post a picture perfect life--it's honestly a space for us and a record of my favorite moments, so feel free to follow along! 

Now for a little snow fun--

 I'm about to get snow dumped on me--can you tell?

Friday, May 16, 2014

Avy-15 Months

15 months Avy--the time is going by so fast. Everyday you are turning more "little girl" and less "baby". You know what I've noticed the most this month? You're a big flirt. You eye up complete strangers while giving little waves and smiles. You melt everyone's heart--even tough guys (like that one time on our trip...). Another thing that you have been up to lately is giving big, wet, open-mouth kisses. Daddy and I will sit on either side of the living room and make you walk back and forth giving us kisses. It's so sweet because as you run towards us you say "mmmmmmuh!" So sweet! I pray that your love for others will continue to blossom and I pray that you will use your beautiful smile to serve Jesus.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Our Weekend 4/25-4/27

1. Our weekend started with Avalyn being sick. She had an ear infection along with a very bad head cold. Her fever spiked quite high a few times and gave us a scare.
2. Poor Avy woke up so congested one night that I gave her a steam treatment in the bathroom.
3. Our arsenal for the weekend: homemade elderberry syrup, antibiotic, and children's Motrin. Thankfully she sucked up the medicine through those syringe things like it was candy!
4. Her bedroom looked like a tornado went through after one night. Our nights looked like this: Steven stayed up and took her until 1-2am. He would attempt to rock her back to sleep, but usually ended up letting her walk around and eat cheerios. This helped clear her up! Then I would take over and usually I ended up propped up on the couch holding her while she slept upright. As you can tell by the clothes on the floor, she went through multiple clothes changes as her fever went up and down.
5-6. Oh yes, and we also had an open house at our home on Sunday that we had to prepare for! So, despite the grogginess from the long nights, the work needed to be done! Steven did some landscaping work while I cleaned the house.
7. Saturday evening Steven and I were able to drop Avy off to be watched and we (he) shoveled up some black dirt needed for the rest of the landscaping work. I realized that we haven't been out just the two of us in a while, so even shoveling up dirt and getting dirty was quite enjoyable.
8. Avy enjoyed a little time with Grandpa, Grandma, and Maddie (the dog) Saturday night while Steven and I were out. She seemed to enjoy laying around with Maddie :)
9. Sunday Avy's health made huge improvements. After the open house she took a very long nap (3+ hours), and we were able to run into town for a few errands. It was so encouraging to see her eyes bright and shining again!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Our Weekend 4/18-4/20

1. Weekend started off with me going to bed early (by the way, our weekend technically starts on Thursday night because Steven only works Monday-Thursday). I have been fighting a cold for a week now. Which is crazy because I never get sick! Anyways, I have been reading this book Glimpses of Grace by Gloria Furman. So. convicting. Maybe someday I will write out my thoughts and convictions from this book.
2. Spent a big portion of the day painting our bedroom on Friday and finished it up on Saturday. It's amazing what a gallon of paint can do for a room.
3. Enjoyed some strawberries with some freshly made yogurt--made me excited for all the summer produce that we will be benefiting from soon. By the way, if you love yogurt and cannot justify the price you can make your own yogurt in your crockpot! I make two quarts every other week and we use it in smoothies and eat it for breakfast. The benefits of eating yogurt are great as well!
4. Steven acquired some more antlers over the week. Antlers take up space. Here he is lining them all up neatly on the cupboards. They look great up there!
5. Saturday was rainy, so what better thing to do then watch silly dog videos on Youtube! Avy giggled her head off.
6. Avy has been quite attached to Steven lately. Here she is leaning up against the laundry room door just waiting for him to come out. 
7. Bath time has become quite the adventure lately. She loves to splash. and splash. and splash....I am soaked by the end of bath time, but I'm thrilled she loves it so much :)
8. I cooked venison steaks and potatoes after Avy went to bed. I think it was my first time cooking the steaks myself since Steven usually makes them. I think I like it better when he cooks it...
9. Easter Sunday was beautiful. Steven preached a sermon up at Bigfork Community, and then we headed back for Easter dinner with his family. We all gushed over Ethan and Avy's outfits and watched them enjoy their Easter baskets. Then after lunch we all headed outside for some much needed sunshine!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Our Weekend 4/11 - 4/13

1. I put some birdseed back into the feeders and Avy has become quite the bird watcher since then. Love her little finger pointing at all the birdies.
2. Steven and Avy enjoying a minute of sunshine. Moments like these make my heart smile.
3. Avalyn and I are still enjoying fruit and yogurt smoothies. They only last a few minutes around here.
4. Our church had a Wild Game dinner on Friday evening. I ate was buffalo for the first time--and it was so good! Here are the little's dressed in their camo.
5. Saturday we dropped Steven off at the library to study for a bit. I decided to dust off the baby carrier and walk around the books myself for a bit. She still fit and loved it so much! I was surprised how comfortable it still was.
6. We seriously can never go into town without going to Home Depot. We're just project people and we always come up with some project to do while we are there.
7. Speaking of projects, I did pick up some paint at Home Depot to finally paint our bedroom. I'm going to do a whole redo. The walls are soon to be colored in Martha Stewart's "Winter Day" paint. It's a beautiful light gray-blue. When I'm done I'll put some pictures up on the blog.
8. While at the library I picked up Off the Beaten Path: the Dakotas. Steven and I are taking a trip out to South Dakota for our anniversary in a couple months. This book is full of special places to visit that normal tourists miss. Can't wait to explore!
9. This photo makes me laugh. Maybe it shouldn't, but it does! The church Steven preached at Sunday does not have a nursery, so we make the church library into a makeshift nursery when Avy gets too fidgety or loud (both happen quite easily these days). Avy was having a little attitude because I wouldn't let her climb the end table. Sigh, the tough life of a toddler.